I Lost....
3 Hours of my life, 1 hour waiting to see the movie, and 2 seeing the movie.
This Movie happens to be a BORING Movie, there movie is based on Sex & Drama.
Nthng Cool though, it was only 30 minutes away from the movie end,
but i said "It's the same thing, OMG, IM GONNA EXPLODE, AAAH!~!!!!"
Just kiddin, if my head would of exploded, i wouldn't be here right now
writing this. :P
Guess what! My watch was too attached to my hand, but i didn't feel it too hard,
when i got it off, now i have Skin Watch!(doesn't show the time tho).
I Guess someppl like boring movie's like these....
If you liked the movie, your are a boring person, or perhaps a CuboyFan(which hates that).
There was this short song they put everytime a part of the movie ended, and i kept on hearing it every once in a while, even my brother(who was there seeing the movie)got pissed off and wrecked the whole theater(nah just kidding...).
Overall i give the movie a BIG & WARM! 0!!!!! NEGATIVE!!!!
If you wanted to know the name of the movie, you should of asked!
It is: Vicky Cristina Barcelona
I Guess even the name make's me wanna scream!!!!
This has been a critic of the user Zantothedread of the website Newgrounds.com
I'll try...
Spork's don't kill so easily sport!